Officer Tom Canales has 30 years of law enforcement experience, 27 years with the Fresno Police Department. Officer Canales has extensive experience as a tactical officer, serving on a variety of tactical teams to include the Violent Crime Suppression Unit, Parole Apprehension Team and 15 years as a K9 handler. Officer Canales is also an Assistant Team Leader on the S.W.A.T. team and has been an operator for 15 years. Officer Canales has been assigned to the Training Unit and holds over 17 California POST Instructor certificates. He is one of our lead instructors on our tactics-based classes such as handgun, rifle, exterior movement tactics, small team tactics, and interior searching. Officer Canales has a passion to see officer succeed and is also responsible for the initial training and indoctrination for our new hires in department training and standards.