Justin Hoagland has been with the Fresno Police Department for 20 years and has been assigned to the Training Unit as the Operations Sergeant for nearly four years. Sergeant Hoagland was promoted to the rank of Sergeant 10 years ago and previously supervised the Domestic Violence Unit, Special Response Team, district tactical teams, the Special Response Team, and different patrol shifts. As an Officer, Sergeant Hoagland was assigned to the Homicide Unit, Street Violence Investigations, and district level tactical teams. In addition to his primary assignments as an officer, Sergeant Hoagland was assigned as an operator to the departments S.W.A.T. team prior to his promotion. Additionally, as a collateral assignment; Sergeant Hoagland is currently serving on the departments S.W.A.T. team as a Team Leader. Sergeant Hoagland’s duties at the Regional Training Center include supervising the Instructor Cadre, developing, and creating class content, courses and schedules, oversees maintenance and repairs for the 80-acre facility and assists as an instructor in tactics, investigations, and firearms courses.