Attendance Requirements

All students are expected to complete courses in their entirety. This includes assigned hours and assignments/projects that may be given to the students by the instructors. In the case of an unforeseen absence such as an emergency, the student shall not be considered completing the course if he/she misses more than 10% of the course hours. Course Instructors may assign students additional projects and or work to satisfy minimum attendance hours with the approval of the RTC Staff.

Additional Requirements

Courses provided at the Jerry P. Dyer Regional Police Training Center (RTC) are not open to the general public for enrollment unless otherwise noted. Attendance is restricted to law enforcement personnel only. The RTC reserves the right to restrict or deny enrollment in any class, any individual courses may be cancelled due to low enrollment, or unforeseen circumstances, such as special operations or law enforcement emergencies.


To register for classes at the RTC please utilize our web-based registration system. The RTC website can be easily accessed via the internet at The various course listings are accessible by passing the cursor over the course category buttons, which causes specific course listings to drop below each category. Selecting the desired course listing, opens a course description page. Each course description page contains a button “[Register for Class]” that activates a link enabling the student/ Agency Training Manager to register for a course. Certain hosted courses will link to the respective presenter’s web registration or contact information. City of Fresno’s Tax Payer Identification Number is 94-6000501.

Student Dress Code

Unless otherwise specified in the course description, the student dress code at the Regional Training Center is business casual. No shorts, sleeveless shirts or open toed shoes are permitted.

Cancelling Registration

The Jerry P. Dyer Regional Police Training Center course cancellation policy requires a minimum of two (2) weeks notification, when an Officer is not going to attend the class they have been registered for. Effective Immediately, if no replacement student is substituted, a cancellations of less than two (2) weeks notice will be subject to a $50.00 cancellation fee, as well as the course materials fee. The materials will be held at the training center for pick up during the current semester only. In all cases, course cancellations less than 72 hours prior to class start date, may be subject to a course cancellation fee equal to 50% of the course tuition. A billing letter will be sent to the agency failing to make a timely cancellation.

To cancel a registration for a course, please notify the Regional Training Center via e-mail, phone or fax. Email cancellations can be directed to, phone cancellations to (559) 621-2157, and fax cancellations to (559) 621-2175.


Course tuition is due no later than the first day of class. Clients are encouraged to issue one check for each tuition being paid. Clients who pre-pay multiple tuitions in a single check are advised that the entire check will be deposited on the first day of the first course being paid by the check. Once the check is deposited for future tuitions, there are no refunds for future courses. The pre-paid tuition can be applied to any course at the RTC. No refunds are issued for a course once the course has begun.

The RTC will return pre-paid tuition checks when students are cancelled with at least 72 hours notice.

Re-scheduling of Courses

Re-scheduling of courses may be accomplished at the same time as a cancellation by indicating the desired date if availability exists. Re-scheduling may be accomplished in the same manner as the registration procedures described above.


Unless otherwise noted, all classes are located at the Jerry P. Dyer Regional Police Training Center, 6357 W. Central Avenue, Fresno CA 93706 (directions).

Reservations & Lodging

Most courses have a student limit and reservations are made on a first come, first serve basis. Use the “Register for Class” link located on the class description page to submit reservations on-line. If you need information, please call (559) 621-2157.

Reservations for lodging must be arranged by the student or his/her agency [hotel list].